Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bidor Half Marathon 2010

Oraity, here's the scoop, great event all around and it was great to be back to Bidor again for the second time round ! :) Great run, stats from my Garmin bellow as well as the story behind the story folks ..

Had great company during this trip that is John Simpson whom wanted a feel of Bidor and what challenges it had  offer. John is was aiming for a great time at this event. We started our journey late Saturday afternoon and arrive at Bidor that evening to pick up the race pack.

John had booked us in a hotel in Kampar and we drove over which took like 45 min to reach since we used the trunk roads instead of the highway. Finally got there, nice comfy place to stay before the race the next day. Made sure all my gear was setup for the morning since we need to leave at about 5:00am to Bidor again where the race starts.

Not much sleep that night, pre-race thingy as always, was up at 4:30am. Got ready got packed and headed over to race area.  We reached around 6:00 am and place was already buzzing with runners getting ready. Warmed up and reported in and we were officially sent of at 7:00am. It was a great start I must say, perhaps a too strong of start.

Into 6th KM, my inner right knee started bugging me again, I kept pushing on and had a stead run till 17th KM. I think my best 10K time (i.e. it was somewhere 1:10:00, I think). It was a scenic green run definately. The air was cool and nice till 8pm when it the heat started hammering. There were quite a no of hills to navigate thru that made it quite the challenge.

I saw Seah(definately) and Robi (I think) during the run. Seah the experience veteran was definitely was ahead and already pushing back as we were in opposite direction at a point of time as well as John. The heat was starting to get on to me as well as the pain. I continued and managed to get to the finish line by 2:44:12.

John was already there at the finish line cheering me on as I came in. My tank was clean out, man was I beat. Quickly rehydrated and got some pics and head home. It was great race, need to work on some things again, back to the drawing board before the next big race > Malakoff 26K ! :)

Till then the adventure continues !